Electricity For The Modern Homeowner

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4 Signs Your Home Has Electrical Faults That Need Repair

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Most homeowners don't give much thought to their electrical systems until they notice severe damage. That said, even a single faulty bulb or outlet could mean early signs of developing electrical faults. You should know that what may appear as an isolated electrical incident can result in more serious problems if left unchecked. As such, it is important to identify electrical problems in their infancy and schedule timely electrical repairs. 

Bulbs Burning Out Too Often

A light that burns out shortly after you replace the bulb can be a frustrating electrical problem. Bulbs will usually burn out due to bad wiring or high voltage. On other occasions, this issue can point to faulty fixtures with overheating problems. If you face this problem often, it is best to bring in a professional to repair the underlying electrical issue. 

Burning Wall Plugins 

You may notice that your wall outlet is too hot to the touch, even when an appliance is not plugged into it. In other cases, you may notice the smell of burning when you plug in an appliance. A burning outlet may also appear discolored, indicating it may have flared up. 

You should know that a burning outlet is dangerous and presents a risk of fire or shock. If yours is badly burned, you should be concerned with the wiring behind your wall. When you notice this electrical issue, ensure you unplug the appliance in use and turn off the power. Next, contact an electrician to check your current, replace the burned wires and install a new outlet. 

Minor Electrical Shocks 

Sometimes you may experience minor electrical shocks or tingles when plugging in an appliance. In some cases, this can indicate a problem with the plugged appliance. However, some electrical shocks can arise due to faulty wiring, loose connections, or an outdated outlet. Remember that even though these shocks may appear mild, you should get an electrician to repair the underlying issue before anyone gets hurt.

Electrical Surges 

Although this problem can originate from your utility company, it is possible to experience power surges within the home. You will likely experience them when using high-powered devices that disturb a steady voltage flow. Noticeable signs of electrical surges include flickering lights or tripped circuit breakers. 

That said, some electrical surges can occur without you noticing and damage your electrical components. With this in mind, it is best to call an electrician to repair damaged components, upgrade your wiring, and install a surge protector.

Given the importance of electricity in your home, it's important to hire an electrician for prompt repairs if you notice any of these signs. Also, timely electrical repairs ensure a reliable, uninterrupted power supply for everyday use.

Contact a local electrician service such as ROBERT D. SAMUELS INC./EXPERT HOME ELECTRIC today for more information.
