Electricity For The Modern Homeowner

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3 Projects Homeowners Should Leave To A Professional Electrician

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When the coronavirus global pandemic hit, many homeowners picked up home improvement projects to pass the time. And despite things going back to normal, DIY projects remain popular among homeowners because they're an excellent way of learning new skills.

But while successfully pulling off a repair project is fulfilling, it's crucial to acknowledge that there is a limit to the complexity of these projects that you can safely execute without a professional's intervention. This rings true for all electrical projects, no matter how simple they appear to be. This article will highlight three such projects homeowners should leave to electricians.

Panel Upgrades

There is no amount of tutorials you can watch to gain the knowledge and expertise you need to pull off a successful panel upgrade. No matter how comprehensive the tutorials are, they cannot even begin to cover the knowledge and insights seasoned electricians have gained through training and years of experience. Therefore, the surefire way to safely upgrade your electrical system is to leave the job to your electrician.

Before executing the project, the technician will conduct an in-depth panel inspection to determine that your home is, indeed, due for an electrical system upgrade. If the electrical system can be salvaged, the electrician will let you know, so you don't have to invest in a new wiring network. However, if the damage is irreversible, the technician will proceed to execute the upgrade, following the set safety precautions.

Surge Protection System Installation

Another electrical project you should leave to your electrician is the installation of a surge protection system. This is added to your electrical panel to protect it from sudden spikes in voltage that could damage your appliances or cause your bulbs to burn out.

Since installing the surge protection feature requires direct interaction with your electrical system, going the DIY way could be fatal. Leaving the project in the hands of a seasoned electrician, on the other hand, guarantees you and your family's safety.

Outlet Additions

If you find yourself using extension cords in almost every room of the house, this is your sign to add more power outlets around the house. This way, you can ensure that you're not plugging too many appliances into the same power outlet, as this can cause an electrical fire.

Be sure to hire your electrician for the project instead of attempting to do it yourself. The professional will help you find suitable spots for new power outlets and ensure that the project doesn't trigger electrical hazards in your panel.

If you have a pending electrical project at your residence, contact an electrician
