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5 Easy Electrical Upgrades An Electrician Can Do Affordably

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If you have an older home or apartment, there's a good chance that your electrical system can use some updating. When it comes to repairs and upgrades, you don't need to break the bank; many of these changes are simple and affordable. Read on to learn about five easy electrical upgrades an electrician can help you do affordably to your home.

1. Add Dimmers to Lights

If you want to create a set of perfect lights for reading, consider adding dimmers. One dimmer can control many lamps, allowing you to adjust how bright each lamp is individually. This feature will allow you and your family members to find their perfect light setting for every situation—and save you money on your electric bill in the process. Installing dimmers is as easy as replacing old bulbs with new ones: an electrician can help make sure everything looks great when it's done.

2. Upgrade to LED Bulbs

An easy upgrade to make is to change out your old light bulbs for LED ones. It's not only a good idea for your budget, but it's also a huge energy saver! Even though LEDs are more expensive upfront, they last longer than incandescent bulbs and use less energy than fluorescents and CFLs. All of that adds up to pretty significant savings over time.

3. Get Whole House Surge Protection

Whole-house surge protection ensures that no part of your home's electrical system will be damaged during a power surge. This is especially important for people who live in areas with frequent lightning storms. 

You can purchase whole house surge protectors from your local hardware store. A licensed electrician can also install one for you if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself.

4. Install Arc Fault GFCI Protection

An arc fault can cause a fire at any time of day or night, so it's so important to install arc fault GFCI protection for every single circuit in your home. Although you may think these outlets are fairly expensive to purchase, there are many places where you can find them for relatively cheap.

5. Install Smoke Detectors in Every Room

It is advisable to have smoke detectors in every room of your house and ensure all are hardwired. If not, it can be dangerous, as smoke from a fire can often travel outside and enter another part of your home before it's detected. An electrician can replace your old model smoke detectors with hardwired ones for heightened fire safety. 

Upgrading your home's electrical system comes with big safety, functionality, and aesthetic benefits. Talk to a local electrician today to explore electrical upgrades.
