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4 Valuable Things Commercial Property Owners Can Expect From A Roof Moisture Survey

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Some commercial property owners are appalled when they discover that they have moisture damage on their roofs. This is because a roof may appear to be intact yet be compromised underneath the protective membrane. It can be confusing because the purpose of the membrane is to provide waterproof protection. However, if it fails, moisture from precipitation can penetrate through and cause roof damage. A roof moisture survey can be completed to identify areas where moisture is present. Early intervention may extend the lifespan of the roof. The following points identify the key benefits of getting the survey performed.

Document Roof Condition for Business

If a commercial property owner has plans to sell a property, a roof moisture survey can protect them. It is possible they will discover flaws, but it is also possible that the roof is in good condition at the time of the sale. Getting a survey performed prior to sale can offer protection because it will serve as proof of the condition of the roof. The new owner might incur problems in the future. However, the original owner will have undisputable documentation of the condition of the roof. 

Warranty Protection

Property owners need to ensure that they keep a mindful watch on the warranty expiration dates for their roofing materials. If there are issues present that should be covered by the warranty, they must be identified before the end of the warranty. A traditional roofing inspection could miss damages related to moisture that is beneath the roofing materials. It might also not be able to detail specific areas of damage. The electrical scan involved in a roof moisture survey can detect small portions where moisture is an issue as well as widespread issues. 

Identify Compromised Areas

One of the most important things that a roof moisture survey can accomplish is identifying high-risk areas before they cause physical damage. The electrical scan detects moisture. If the issue is not repaired, it can lead to roof damage. From this aspect, the electrical scan can be viewed as a preventative tool to assess the condition of a roof and areas compromised by moisture.

Fast Results

The results of the survey are produced quickly. The scan shows through colors where dry and moisture-compromised areas are located. The size of the roof being surveyed will affect how long it takes to complete the scan, but the results are clear and available soon after completion. 

An electrician is a good resource to use for roof moisture surveys. They have access to the equipment needed to perform the infrared electrical scan. The scan is able to detect moisture that might not be evident in traditional roof inspections. 

For more information, contact a professional who provides roof moisture surveys
